Get to Know Before You Choose
Our mission is to deliver a sustainable Risk Management & Security service.
To achieve success in this mission requires the optimum use of our human resources.
Injuries and illnesses result in needless suffering and waste of these resources.
Human safety, the environment and customer service are our highest priorities.
A.I.G Security acknowledges that the health, safety and welfare of our employees, contractors, customers and visitors to our workplaces is of prime importance and should not be impaired or prejudiced by our operations.
A.I.G Security recognizes that the responsibilities for occupational health and safety (OHS) lay with our managers, our supervisors, our employees and our contractors. A personal commitment and involvement of everyone working with A.I.G Security is essential in establishing and maintaining healthy and safe working environments.
A.I.G Security managers and supervisors will strive to provide working environments that are as far as practicable safe and without risks to health, by:
- complying with relevant OHS (AS4801) Legislation;
- providing and maintaining safe plant and systems of work;
- arranging for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of plant and substances;
- maintaining workplaces under its control in a safe and healthy condition;
- ensuring that effective measures are in place to control hazards and risks;
- providing adequate facilities, equipment and protective clothing for the welfare of all employees; and
- providing the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for all employees, to enable them to work in a healthy, safe and efficient manner.
- A.I.G Security employees and contractors will at all times:
- take reasonable care - of which they are capable - for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions (or lack of actions) at work;
- co-operate with A.I Security efforts to meet its responsibilities by following the systems and procedures of work necessary for safe and healthy operations and when required participate in appropriate training; and
- report to their manager, supervisor or OHS representative the hazards, risks, incidents and OHS concerns of which they are aware.
A.I.G Security recognizes that the objectives of this policy statement can best be achieved through effective consultation, communication and co-operation between managers, supervisors, employees, contractors and customers - working together to continually improve OHS performance.